Thursday, July 1, 2010

Kamen Rider OOO/ Ozu Cast and Villian Info

Hino Eiji/Kamen Rider Ozu:
21 years old
-played by Watanabe Shuu
A young man with no devotion or desire, and very little prospects for marriage. He only eats food he needs to survive day by day, just carries change, and the clothes on his back. He isn't settled down with a particular occupation. He has no savings, and of course, no hobbies. He dimly likes to look at scenery. He is often scolded by olders for his lifestyle, but liked by others. He is able to live each and every day as one of amazement.
His dettachement and no possesions seem to suggest something bad having occurred in his past. What is concealed in Eiji's heart? What is his true face that only appears when he is fighting as Ozu?

Anku -Tori Kanbu Kaijin- (Bird Management Mystery Man):
-played by Miura Ryousuke
Eiji's companion, and his Medal Manager. Leader of the Bird group of Greeds and Yamiis, who gives Eiji his belt and allows him to transform into Ozu. He is having Eiji collect medals for him because he cannot fight on his own. Though he is one of the Greeds, the medals have little effect in helping him, and he can only transform his right arm.
As such, he takes possesion of Izumi Keiji's body, who is in a near-death state. Unlike Eiji, his devotion is strong and is very self-motivated. He is persistent on collecting all the medals, and "checking" them in. His only wish and care is that he gains all the medals and becomes a god who can attain all desires. However, his stubborn ways may be altered by becoming partners with Eiji...

Izumi Hina:
18 years old
-played by Takada Riho
Younger sister of Izumi Keiji, whose body is currently being possesed by Anku. She meets Anku, her "missing elder brother" and ends up helping Eiji in his mission. She admires Eiji because she reminds him of Robin Hood, and her naivety is being exploited by Anku.
Though she is seemingly a "usual girl" she has a lot of hidden, and uncommon, physical strength. She has recieved a "Power System Scout" (unsure about this part).
She misses her brother, and notices something different about him (because he's Anku). Her, Anku and Eiji end up working in a multi-national restaurant, and she begins to project on Eiji...

Gotou Shintarou:
22 years old
-played by Kimijima Asaya
Commander of the Motorcycle Corps. in the Kogami Foundation that helps out Ozu. A former policeman, Shintarou is an incredibly loyal subordinate to Kogami. Difficult, unfriendly, and one who is not prone to displaying his emotion.
He is ordered to assist Ozu, but views Eiji as a rival. He has many doubts about the situation after learning of Eiji and Anku's attitude, but strongly believes society can still be saved through Kogami.

Satonaka Erika:
21 years old
-played by Arisue Mayuko
Kogami's able and beautiful secretary. A mature young woman who is never bothered, with a calm disposition. Because she is always made to eat the cakes that Kogami makes, she always has dieting on her mind. She often leaves the chairman's office to assist Shintarou in information gathering.

Shiraishi Chiyoko:
30 years old
-played by Kai Marie
A kind and cheerful character, if a bit troublesome, who gives Eiji a part-time job and living space in her multi-national restaurant. In this restaurant she serves dishes from around the world, and is often seen wearing clothing from around the world as well.
It is a hobby of hers that Eiji, and the others working at his restuaurant, must Cosplay while on the job. The interior of the shop is of her own design, and represents different countries around the world.

Kogami Kousei:
43 years old
-played by Ukaji Takashi
The mysterious chairman of the Kogami foundation. His real intentions are unknown, but for some reason he has a motorcycle, and secret mechanisms to support the Kamen Rider. He had seen the revival of the Greeds a long way off, and had actually hoped for it to happen.
Details are uncertain, but it is clear he wants to collect the medals for some unknown purpose. His hobby is baking cakes, often pulling an apron right over his suit to do so. In fact, he has a very unsuitable oven kept in his office...

The leading villains are called the Greeds, who are divided into five tribes with subordinates are called Yummies. If a Greed or Yummy devours enough human desire they acquire a Medal and a new ability. With enough Medals, they can complete their bodies and become the Multi King. When O's defeats a Yummy or Greed, he gains their Medals and gains new abilities as well.
Five tribes: Bird, Insect, cat, big animal & fish

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