Monday, May 31, 2010

Kamen Rider W Forever/A To Z The Gaia Memories of Fate and the return of nazca pics

Metal,Trigger,Heat,Luna,Cyclone dopants
the person who becomes Kamen Rider Eternal who is equip with 26 maximum slots.

Shotaro as Kamen Rider Joker.His Maximum Drive is an Rider Kick and Punch.
The T2 Gaia Memories. the X memory could be Xtreme.
An Red Nazca fighting Xtreme. Who is the Red Nazca?

chou den-o trilogy episode blue and episode yellow pics

NEW den-o using urataros as his new weapon called the Uratazao which is an fishing rod and can attack like a whip.

another weapon that NEW den-o will use is kintaros as the Kintaono is an huge mutherfcking axe

Diend complete form using all ( but not den-o for some stupid reason) movie riders.

Friday, May 14, 2010

new goseigers news

pic #1: goseiwonder the bird ver of goseidragon and has 5 new headders.
pic #2: goseigrand. is the mecha of goseiknight the 6th goesiger. the following mecha is goseiknight's; Grandeon, Sealion, and Skylion.
pic #3: gosei tensword. is the weapon of the upgraded goseigers and each giving them different power to use.

DX lost driver sanjo~ and new W movie info

DX lost driver has been revealed to be true and by the silhouetted that should be kamen rider eternal by the memory in the driver already.
"the X day for W" news

kamen rider eternal is not shotaro. since he henshin alone in the movie his new rider name is kamen rider joker. and Phillip becomes the cyclone dopant. it is also revealed that kamen rider joker is an dark rider meaning thats he's evil the movie. he have minon dopants called the heat dopant, luna dopant, metal dopant, and the trigger dopant, and yes they are kamen rider w 's memories. the ctclone copant is revealed to be with kamen rider joker as his top minon. more to come in this new kamen rider w movie.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

kamen rider enteral?

the rumor rider that shotaro will henshin to in the new kamen rider movie " the X day for W" seems to be real and by the looks of the pic he will have an new vehicle to go with. ur opions on this r welcome

first post & new KR W and rumor new rider news

hello people of the internet,
welcome to my news blog. in this blog i will be puttin news and rumors of kamen rider W to new ones and tensou sentai goseiger to new ones as well.

so first news;
DX lost driver, yes the one kamen rider skull used in begin's night. it will come out and it will be use in a new kamen rider w movie called kamen rider w the X day for W. it will be in 3D and it will show the rider who will use the lost driver which is rumor to be shotaro. it will also show the next rider of the series. it should look like the pic on the right.--------------->
i will try to find the pic of DX lost driver which shows an silhouetted pic of the rider that shotaro turns to.